Susan Blessing

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Primary Person - Younger Mindset Mentality


Hi, I am Susan Blessing a Functional Nutritional Advisor, Specializing in Digestion, and Health and Wellness Trainer.

Embracing a younger mindset philosophy is more than a choice; it's an attitude. It represents the understanding that aging isn't just a natural process but one that's exacerbated by societal norms, mental conditioning, and medications. The time has come for a change. Aging is inevitable, yes, but it often sneaks up on us faster than we anticipate. Now is the moment to seize control of your life.

From a young age, I found myself drawn to the world of exercise and health. While my mother followed along with Jack Lalanne, a pioneer in the fitness industry, I was right there beside her, enthusiastically participating in every exercise from toe touches to jumping jacks. This passion didn't just wane over time; it deepened, leading me to pursue courses in exercise, becoming a fitness instructor, and eventually a personal trainer. My belief in exercise as a cornerstone of a vibrant life has only solidified over the years, with a growing emphasis on the importance of staying active for the aging population.
Witnessing the aging process in family and friends sparked a realization: I couldn't bear the thought of a future limited by a lack of energy or mobility, conditioned by a failure to maintain my health. I was profoundly affected by the passing of my grandmother due to a severe allergic reaction to medication, and the loss of my father at 70 to colon cancer—a condition dismissively attributed to 'old age' by his doctor. While it's true that medical practices have evolved since then, the issue of being unheard or oversimplified by healthcare professionals persists, especially for older individuals who are often prescribed medication rather than receiving comprehensive care.

This personal journey and the lessons learned from it fuel my commitment to advocating for an active lifestyle, not just as a personal trainer but as someone who deeply understands the transformative power of consistent, mindful physical activity. The goal is not just to promote fitness, but to empower individuals of all ages to take charge of their health, ensuring a brighter, more vibrant future for everyone.

Initially, as a fitness enthusiast, I began to notice persistent intestinal issues disrupting both my personal and professional life. In a frantic search for non-medical remedies, I experimented with various vitamins, herbs, and special concoctions, only to find myself disappointed and out of pocket. A visit to the doctor led to a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and a prescription for medication. However, given my grandmother's adverse experience with medications, I was skeptical about relying on pharmaceuticals as a solution.

My interest in nutrition, spurred by my background in fitness, led me to pursue a certification in Health Coaching. Yet, I felt something was still amiss until I discovered Functional Nutrition. This approach unites food with physiology, embodying the principle that food can either heal or harm. Learning about the critical role of the digestive tract in overall well-being, including mood, cognition, and even our aging process, was a revelation. By managing our digestive health, we can mitigate issues like weight gain, inflammation, depression, anxiety, and autoimmune diseases.

I've now embarked on a journey to enlighten others about the transformative potential of understanding and taking control of their inner health. This program isn't exclusively for the elderly, though I advocate for a more dignified aging process. It's designed for mothers who wish for their children to thrive with health and confidence, women navigating hormonal imbalances, and essentially, anyone and everyone who seeks to enhance their outer appearance, optimize brain function, and boost energy at any age.

My mission? To empower individuals to reclaim their zest for life, to live fully and richly, not limiting themselves because of age. Most importantly, I believe everyone deserves to be seen and respected as the unique individuals they are, not judged by the number of years they've lived.

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